The best pills and drugs for the treatment of cystitis in women

Women take medicine for cystitis

The danger of cystitis lies not only in the painful symptoms - the lack of proper treatment is full of complications, especially in women; Improper selection and use of medication can lead to life-threatening consequences.

Causes and pathogenesis

A predisposing factor in the development of cystitis in women is the peculiarity of the anatomical structure of their urinary tract - a short and wide urethra, which allows access to the penetration of microbes without obstruction. The anus and vagina located near the urethra increase the risk of infection.

Another physiological feature that affects the frequent development of pathology in women is the larger volume of the bladder than men, which allows them to resist the urge to go to the toilet for a long time. Periodic stagnation of urine causes the persistence and proliferation of infections in the organ cavity.

The development of the inflammatory process is facilitated by wearing tight or synthetic underwear, creating a thermos effect, as well as a lack of personal intimate hygiene and a lack of discretion in sexual relations.

Microbes enter the bladder through the ascending (through the urethra) or descending (through the ureter from the kidney) route. Infection with lymph flow from the pelvic organs is possible. Rarer, but possible, is the route of hematogenous infection from a distant focus of inflammation - nasopharynx, carious tooth cavity.

The most common causative agent of the disease is E. coli or streptococcus, less often - viruses, fungi such as yeast or sexually transmitted infections: gonococcus, trichomonas.

Normally, the mucous membrane of the bladder is protected from infection by the glycocalyx, a protective substance produced under the influence of female sex hormones. Healthy organ cavities are not sterile - single cells of pathogenic microflora may be present in them, but the active development of microbes is blocked by the body's immune system. In addition, the infection is eliminated by the regular flow of urine.

The impetus for the development of acute cystitis can be:

  • decreased immunity due to hypothermia, ARVI, nervous overstrain, stress, physical fatigue;
  • allergy to certain drugs;
  • pyelonephritis, urolithiasis, accompanied by impaired outflow of urine;
  • diabetes;
  • late stage of pregnancy;
  • menopause, a state of female sex hormone imbalance.

Cystitis can occur in acute and chronic forms. The latter is the result of improper treatment, persistent kidney dysfunction, and systemic diseases related to hormonal imbalance.

Development of acute cystitis

The disease always starts suddenly, usually at night or the next day after getting wet feet, getting wet in the rain or sitting on something cold. The symptoms are clear and painful, it is impossible not to notice them:

  • disturbing pain in the lower abdomen above the pubis, radiating to the lumbosacral region;
  • nocturia - the urge to urinate every 10-15 minutes;
  • dysuria - constant feeling of fullness in the bladder;
  • the production of urine is scanty, difficult, drop by drop, accompanied by acute cutting pain, burning, itching;
  • the color is cloudy, with flakes, there may be an admixture of pus or blood;
  • weakness, weakness, headache, fever, low-grade fever or high temperature.

The inflammatory process often affects the urethra, resulting in the development of urethritis, where pain and itching increase.

Can't talk about performance in such conditions. The best thing to do is see a doctor right away.

Treatment starting in the first hour of the disease increases the chances of getting rid of cystitis in a short time forever.


To treat cystitis, you need to consult a urologist, gynecologist, or infectious disease specialist.

Some tests need to be done:

  • general urine analysis;
  • microscopic examination of urine;
  • bacterial culture to determine pathogen sensitivity to antibiotics;
  • Ultrasound of the bladder is necessary to ensure that there are no changes in the submucosa and muscle layers in the bladder, polyps, cysts.

Cystitis is indicated by a high level of leukocytes - leukocyturia more than 2000/ml.

Based on the content of red blood cells and the formation of cylinders in the urine, it is possible to identify problems and related factors that provoke the development of cystitis: traumatic kidney damage, urolithiasis, acute and chronic glomerulonephritis, nephropathy, purulent abscess, toxic lesions of the urinary system, the presence of viruses.

In addition, a gynecological examination is required - vaginal smear analysis for the presence of sexually transmitted infections and pathogenic microflora.

Such a detailed history will help identify the causative agent of inflammation and the degree of damage to organ tissue with certainty.

Treatment with antibiotics

For the treatment of acute infectious cystitis that is not burdened with complications, a course of antibiotics is prescribed for a period of 2 to 7 days. Tetracycline drugs based on clavulanic acid, from the group of penicillins and fluoroquinolones, are used.

The choice of medicine is made by the doctor based on the results of the pathogen sensitivity test. Spontaneous use of drugs can only suppress symptoms and contribute to the slow development of the inflammatory process. Microbial resistance developed will complicate further treatment, narrowing the range of effective drugs.

You can not independently extend the prescribed period of taking antibiotics - due to the suppression of the normal internal microflora of the body, there will be a danger of developing a state of dysbacteriosis and immune deficiency.

In addition to antibiotics, when treating cystitis in women, antispasmodics, analgesics and herbal medicines in tablets and other dosage forms are prescribed to relieve symptoms.

Herbal remedies and supplements

A complex based on non-toxic plant raw materials, has anti-inflammatory, diuretic, choleretic, antimicrobial effects, improves the work of antibiotics without disturbing the balance of microflora. They can be taken for a long period - from 2 weeks to 1 month during the treatment of acute and chronic cystitis. The choice of funds is quite wide:

  1. tablets containing cranberry extract - a well-known natural antibiotic and diuretic. Cranberry has an astringent and anti-inflammatory effect, accelerates the removal of infection through urine;
  2. capsules containing ascorbic acid, cranberry, bearberry, and horsetail are intended for the prevention and treatment of cystitis as part of complex therapy;
  3. herbal medicine for cystitis based on medicinal plants. Available in the form of solutions and dragees, containing centaury, lovage herbs, rosemary;
  4. natural complex based on orange, pine, sage and other plant oils. Available in the form of a thick green paste. Before ingestion, a small amount of the product should be dissolved in warm water;
  5. the product, produced in tablet form, contains hop extract, mint, oregano, and fir oil;
  6. medicine intended for the treatment of urolithiasis and the prevention of bladder infections. Contains kidney tea, curly silkworm leaves, papaya, cubed pepper. Available in capsules and tablets. In addition to a significant diuretic effect, the product stops the inflammatory process in the urinary tract, increases its permeability, removes sand and dissolves small kidney stones, and works as an antispasmodic and analgesic.


To relieve pain, relax the smooth muscles of the bladder and facilitate the passage of urine, myotropic antispasmodics are prescribed. Medicines relieve severe symptoms, reduce pain and discomfort caused by muscle fiber contraction.

One dose should not exceed 2-3 tablets. Overdose can cause dizziness, drowsiness, and low blood pressure. Do not forget that antispasmodics only provide temporary relief, but do not cure the disease.


Severe pain, accompanied by fever, fever, and weakness, is the reason for prescribing drugs from the group of propionic acid derivatives. The drugs used have anti-inflammatory and general analgesic effects. Side effects are rare but possible, so be sure to check their safety by talking to your doctor before using the drug. Contraindications to taking products containing propionic acid derivatives include severe kidney and liver failure, pregnancy, and early childhood under the age of 6.


To prevent dysbacteriosis and disorders of the gastrointestinal tract when taking antibiotics, drugs containing a natural complex of lactobacilli and bifidobacteria - probiotics - are used. Products have proven themselves as protecting and restoring the microflora of the female genital organs, strengthening local immunity, and reducing the unwanted consequences of antibiotic treatment. There are several contraindications to taking probiotics - hypersensitivity to drug components or allergic reactions.

For uncomplicated acute cystitis, treatment with dry and moist heat is effective. Take a warm steam bath and sitz with a decoction of St. wort or yarrow. John is useful: for a steam bath, a hot herbal decoction is poured into the basin. You need to squat over the emanating steam and sit for 10–15 minutes. The steam should be warm, but not scalding. For a sitz bath, a decoction of medicinal herbs is added to water at a temperature of about 45 °C.

While resting, you can apply a warm heating pad to the lower abdomen - to the location of the bladder.

Thermal procedures stimulate intertissue exchange and have a soothing, analgesic and antispasmodic effect.

Heating is allowed only if there is no inflammatory process in the genital organs, otherwise such treatment can cause additional harm.

Additional treatment

Bladder massage techniques can be used as an additional treatment.

  1. In a lying position on your back, bend your knees slightly (you can put a roll or pillow under your back).
  2. Place the fingertips of both hands on the stomach 2-3 fingers below the navel.
  3. Exhale, press slowly and deeply on the stomach wall until you feel a slight pain inside, after a few seconds, release your hand and press on the stomach again. Do 5 or 6 repetitions.

This movement aims to eliminate diuresis delays, congestion and accelerate blood circulation in the bladder area. If the massage is done correctly, after finishing there will be a strong urge to visit the toilet.

During the treatment of cystitis, you need to drink more fluids than usual to flush the bladder. In addition to clean drinking water, it is useful to drink slightly alkaline mineral water without gas, fruit drinks made from cranberries, black and red currants, cherries, sea buckthorn and other berries. Acidic drinks have an antimicrobial effect, prevent infection from lingering on the walls of organs, and accelerate the removal of inflammatory products from the bladder cavity.

Decoctions and infusions of seeds and herbs of dill, chamomile, parsley, lingonberry leaves, and grains have a high diuretic and anti-inflammatory effect. To prepare it, 2 tablespoons of crushed raw materials are poured into 1 liter of boiling water, boiled for 15 minutes in a water bath and left for about an hour. The liquid is carefully filtered and eaten warm, 1 glass 3 times a day.

Diuretic drinks should be used with caution in case of insufficient renal function, tendency to hypertension or hypotension.

During the treatment of cystitis, it is necessary to exclude hot spices, pickled and salty foods, sweets, carbonated sweet drinks, strong coffee, and alcohol from the diet. This product interferes with the excretory function of the kidneys, promotes the accumulation of uric acid, and irritates the urinary tract.

Chronic cystitis

Untimely onset or improper and careless treatment of acute cystitis leads to an advanced chronic form with periodic relapses. Chronic cystitis is a long-term disease. Periods of remission or sluggish inflammatory processes, during which the disease is practically not felt, alternate with worsening symptoms.

The danger of chronic cystitis lies not only in the discomfort and severe pain that occurs during exacerbations. The focus of inflammation that exists for a long time in the bladder affects the inner lining of the organ, contributing to the formation of morphological forms of the disease that are difficult to control: interstitial, cystic, hemorrhagic, gangrenous cystitis, polyp growth. The inflammatory process involves not only the mucous membrane, but also the submucosa layer, muscle tissue, and the circulatory system of organs. Gradually, the affected area is replaced by rough scar tissue, the organ loses its elasticity and stops to cope with its function properly.

In addition, the inflammatory process can spread to nearby organs, causing the development of paracystitis - damage to the peri-vesical tissue, pyelonephritis. The gradual spread of the infection can lead to the development of adnexitis, adhesions of the fallopian tubes and subsequent infertility.

In pregnant women, exacerbation of chronic processes is inevitable, this is influenced by changes in hormone levels, fluctuations in immunity, compression of internal organs by the growing uterus, which also causes stagnation of urine and inflammatory processes. The most serious complication of cystitis in pregnant women is acute pyelonephritis with severe body intoxication and the threat of miscarriage.

Treatment of complicated forms of cystitis is carried out in the hospital. In addition to taking medication, the following types of therapy may be prescribed:

  1. instillation - the introduction into the bladder cavity of a drug solution that removes toxins and has an anti-inflammatory effect;
  2. physiotherapy - treatment with electric current pulses, iontophoresis, UHF, mud application, acupuncture;
  3. position therapy - special poses that help relieve congestion and restore patency of the urinary tract. This method is suitable for pregnant women;
  4. surgical treatment - laser cauterization or isolation of affected bladder tissue. In severe cases of complete loss of organ function, they use bladder plastic surgery from his own intestinal tissue.

The duration of treatment for chronic cystitis is several months. This course aims to eliminate the inflammatory process, prevent complications, maximize the recovery of the urinary system, and prevent irreversible changes in the organ tissue structure.

Basic measures to prevent cystitis: maintaining good hygiene, wearing underwear made of natural fabrics, choosing shoes and clothes according to the weather and season, timely treatment of colds and chronic pathologies, taking a general strengthening vitamin complex.